This antique Elgin Father Time Railroad pocket watch came to the shop in relatively good shape, but it had many repair issues. The balance staff had a broken pivot, the lower escape wheel cap jewel was shattered, the lower second hand wheel jewel was cracked, and the seconds hand lower pivot was broken off. So the first task was to turn a new balance staff on the lathe.
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Old balance staf partially removed Old staff with broken pivot UNew balance staff made Fitting new staff hub to balance wheel Fit to balance and jewels
The next task was repairing the gear (wheel) that runs the seconds hand. The long pivot that the seconds hand fits on is delicate and often found broken on old watches. A very small hole is drilled in the end of the arbor and a small steel plug is turned along with the correct size and length pivot.
Hole drilled in end of pinion, and new steel plug with pivot ready to insert New pivot pressed in and complete
The roller jewel was also damaged. Repairing this involves finding the proper size jewel, and cementing in place using shellac. This is done using a special tool to hold the balance over an alcohol burner (so no direct heat is applied to the balance that may cause discoloring), and melting the shellac to fix the jewel in place.
Heating balance to melt shellac in place Chipped roller jewel (right)
Once these repairs were complete and tested the watch is completely disassembled, cleaned, reassembled, oiled and timed. The restored movement ran within half a second per day, and within 3 seconds in all six positions.
Dial in perfect condition Balance & setting works Plates , mainspring barrel & winding parts